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About MightyMite Termite Services

We are more than just orange oil termite experts.

If you are looking for a professional and knowledgeable termite control company, then you are in the right place.

MightyMite Termite is a full-service termite control company that serves the California Bay Area (See our coverage area).

Greener is better.
We are happy to promote the best solutions and application methods to run a smarter, responsible termite control service.

Sharing knowledge.
As part of our service, we help our customers understand the best solutions available for their unique situations. We believe by educating our clients we empower them to make the best decision for their property.

MightyMite Termite Services truck

MightyMite Termite

MightyMite Termite, known for our orange oil termite solutions, has been serving Northern California for over a decade with a dedication to help the community one termite at a time.

About Our Team

We pride ourselves in providing knowledgeable, experienced and friendly staff members.

“We make it easy for you to do business with us.” – Patrick Becker, Customer Care Manager

  • Drug Screened
  • Background Checked
  • Licensed by the State of California
Code of Conduct
  • Company Uniformed
  • Trained & Experienced
  • Respectful and Honest
  • Specify Most Effective Treatment
  • Use Application Best Practices
  • 2 Year Warranty on Service

About Sam Becker — Owner

Sam Becker has worked for numerous small startups in the past and has been successfully running operations in the Termite Control industry since 2008. Initially, the interest was in educating the market for Termite Control in methods that treat termites in hours and provide customers with less expensive, less toxic, and less time-consuming alternatives to care for their property. He has also been very focused on providing a quality work environment for employees, and top-notch customer service to homeowners. This is a service industry and quality work combined with respect for customer’s time and money is what leads to a well run, efficient business that provides the best results for everyone involved. Customer satisfaction is what good business is about.

Contact Mightymite Termite Services Today for a Free Termite Inspection!