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Termite Treatment Aftermath

The discovery of drywood termites in your home is nothing short of a nightmare, and, let’s be honest, fumigation is no one’s favorite experience. Much of the time, termites can be treated with more natural, less drastic solutions, so if your termite control company recommends fumigation, your infestation is one that’s difficult to treat. Coming home after a home has been fumigated, then, only to see insects in the house, can make a homeowner want to scream! Before you lose your cool, though, take a breath. Seeing insects after your termite fumigation is perfectly normal, and not a cause for concern. Here, we explain why.

Understanding Pest Behavior

Sometimes, you will see termites for a few days after the house has been fumigated. In most cases, the insects are just taking their time to die. Give it a little bit of time, and you will stop seeing them. In other cases, the fumigation product used doesn’t kill the termite eggs, so you might see newly hatched termites. The good news for you- bad news for the baby termites- is that hatchlings cannot survive without the support of a colony. Even if they hatch and you happen to see them, they won’t be around for long. Something that might seem strange, though, is the appearance of non-termite insects after a fumigation. Ants and other bugs might appear if your home has not been treated for pests, right after you have the house treated for termites. The reason for this is simple, though. These insects have arrived to make the most of an easy meal, feasting on the dead termites from the fumigated colonies.

Other Signs that May Concern You

After the house has been fumigated, termite droppings may show up on your windowsills. These droppings, known as frass, are not necessarily indications of a new infestation, but could be simply one of the residual effects of the departed termites. How are you getting new termite droppings if you are not getting new termites? The answer is simple: it may not be new at all, but old droppings left in the house. Frass will be left in tunnels and holes recently vacated by termites, and may be disturbed and shaken out when doors or windows are opened. Repairing termite damage, replacing damaged wood, and performing some basic home sanitation measures should fix your problem.

Insect Persistence

While it’s normal to see termites for a few days after treatment, it is not normal for them to continue to persist for an extended period of time. If it’s been 10 days or so and you are still seeing termites, call your termite control company. It could be that additional treatments are needed, or perhaps a different kind of treatment is required to completely eradicate your termite problem. Pest control is a science, and sometimes it takes a little bit of time to determine the best way to get rid of your particular pest. This is why it is so important to work with a company that is experienced and knowledgeable about the termites in your area.

Benefits of Expert Pest Control

When you work with a professional termite control company, you get the benefit of that company’s knowledge and experience. The full force of their expertise comes to bear on the problem of your infestation. With a full understanding of termite behavior and how to remove them from a building, they can determine the extent of your infestation and the best method of treatment to employ. Termite control professionals can also offer you pest control tips so that you can prevent further infestations in the future. Some facets of termite control that can be managed by the homeowner include keeping wood away from the ground around your home, trimming back trees and bushes so that they don’t touch your house, cleaning and maintaining gutters and downspouts, fixing leaks promptly, and removing cellulose materials from your storage areas.

Why Choose MightyMite?

When you are looking for professional and knowledgeable termite control, you will never find a better option than MightyMite Termite. A full-service termite control company, we’ve been serving the Bay Area of California for over a decade. We are known for our smart, responsible termite control service, and we work hard to promote the very best solutions and application methods, striving for a low toxicity approach. We also want our customers to be well-informed, so that they can make the best choices for their own termite control, and find the best solutions for their own unique situations. We believe that educated clients are empowered clients who are able to make optimal decisions regarding their property.

Contact MightyMite Termite Services for Help

Whether you are interested in low toxicity termite solutions or you believe you need full house fumigation, it’s a smart move to call the termite control professionals at MightyMite Termite Services to defend your property against termites. At MightyMite, we’ve earned a reputation as experts in California termite control. We perform termite inspections to ensure that your home is free of termites and work hard to help you keep it that way, using treatments that are naturally derived and have a low impact on the environment. We diagnose and treat infestations with the most effective methods and unmatched warranties, solving your termite problems the first time, with an industry best “no call-back rate.” That, combined with our experience, technology, and highly trained, professional and licensed staff, makes us the leading extermination company in the Bay Area. We understand that your home is your most important investment, so we work hard to provide excellent service, utilizing the best practices to solve our customers’ termite problems. For more information, email, call us today at 408.335.7053, or contact us through our website.