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MightyMite Termite & Pest Control
Serving Bay Area

MightyMite Termite and Pest Control
Bay Area Termite Control

MightyMite Termite and Pest Control
Bay Area Termite Control

The Best Termite & Pest Control Company in the Bay Area & Monterey Counties

Your Local Termite & Pest Control Experts

MightyMite Termite Services provides termite & pest control services for both residential and commercial properties. As a leading termite company in the Bay Area, we pride ourselves in saving our customers time and money. We take the time to inspect your property with care and precision; we don’t just throw a tent and hope we solved your problem. We diagnose and treat infestations with the most effective methods and unmatched warranties. Our expert team can get rid of troublesome termites without tenting, using state-of-the art methods, so that you don’t have to move out and pay for a hotel and boarding for your pets. We solve your termite problems the first time with an industry-best “no call-back rate.” As the leading termite & pest control company in the Bay Area, we have the experience, technology, and manpower necessary to handle any commercial or residential project. For more information regarding our services or to schedule a free estimate, please contact our office at 408-377-3761 today!

Our San Jose Bay Area exterminators specialize in:

The MightyMite Termite Difference

Unlike other termite & pest control companies, we understand that convenience, cost and quality all matter. For most infestations, we are able to customize a targeted treatment, so you don’t have to move out. Our modern treatment methods are environmentally low-impact and some, like orange oil, are naturally derived. Additionally, once the infestation has been dealt with, we can also provide an estimate to repair any damaged wood. We offer competitive pricing and a 100% guarantee for two years following any of our services.

Need Immediate Assistance? Call 408-377-3761

Our team, comprised of experienced, licensed experts, will help you determine which of our several techniques would be the most appropriate and effective solution for your situation. As with all of our services,MightyMite Termite Services will make sure to provide you with an accurate free quote and timeline for your project.

To find out more about our services and get a free estimate, call 408-377-3761!

Servicing San Jose, Santa Clara County, Alameda County, Santa Cruz County, San Mateo County, Monterey County, Marin County, Contra Costa County, and San Benito County in Northern California.

Termite control services in Bay Area, CA
Termite Control
Pest control services in the San Jose area
Pest Control
Residential Termite Control Services in Bay Area, CA
Residential Services


map of California denoting MightyMite Termite's service area

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